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Superman Action Comics Volume 4: Hybrid HC
DC Comics
Aquaman Volume 6: Maelstrom HC
Aquaman Volume 5: Sea of Storms HC
Aquaman Volume 4: Death of a King HC
Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity The Deluxe Edition HC
Batman/Superman Volume 4: Seige HC
Batman Detective Comics Volume 7: Anarky HC
The Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 HC
Marvel Comics
Savage Wolverine Volume 1: Kill Island HC
Uncanny X-Men Volume 1: Revolution HC
Uncanny Avengers Volume 5: Axis Prelude HC
Uncanny Avengers Volume 2: The Apocalypse Twins HC
Thor God of Thunder Volume 4: The Last Days of Midgard HC
Civil War HC
All-New X-Men Volume 3: Out of their Depth HC
All-New X-Men Volume 7: The Utopians HC
All New X-Men Volume 5: One Down HC
All New X-Men Volume 4: All-Different HC
Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 5: Through the Looking Glass HC
Avengers Volume 5: Adapt or Die HC
New Avengers Volume 2: Infinity HC
New Avengers Volume 3: Other Worlds HC
Captain America Volume 3: Loose Nuke HC
Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 4: Original Sin HC