Marvel Comics
The Call of Duty Tp Vol 2 The Precinct
Cover by David Finch
Chuck Austen & Bruce Jones (w)/
Tom Mandrake & Danijel Zezelj (p)
Two of the series that spotlights America's real heroes are collected in one volume! They thought they just had to protect and serve the public, but now a cop and an EMS worker must save all humanity! Collecting THE CALL OF DUTY: THE PRECINCT #1 - #5
Chuck Austen & Bruce Jones (w)/
Tom Mandrake & Danijel Zezelj (p)
Two of the series that spotlights America's real heroes are collected in one volume! They thought they just had to protect and serve the public, but now a cop and an EMS worker must save all humanity! Collecting THE CALL OF DUTY: THE PRECINCT #1 - #5